
Showing posts from January, 2022
 Natural Disasters What are natural disasters? A natural disaster is an event that occurs naturally and causes major damage and loss of life. Some examples of natural disasters are floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis etc. Causes of natural disasters Although natural disasters are said to take place on their own, a lot of human practices, as well as rapidly growing developmental activities, have been blamed for the constant rise of these natural disasters like floods, hurricanes and tsunamis in past few years. You can read more about them  here Some common natural disasters : Torandoes Forest fires Hurricanes Here is an interesting video about natural disasters
 Networking Networking is the exchange of information and ideas among people with a common profession or special interest, usually in an informal social setting. Networking often begins with a single point of common ground. Professionals use networking to expand their circles of acquaintances, find out about job opportunities in their fields, and increase their awareness of news and trends in their fields or the greater world.